niedziela, 27 grudnia 2015

Decorating Idea: Elegant and Flowery

So again: these are just instructions for decorating a cake, no cake recipes included:) Enjoy!;)

  1. Prepare (or buy) a fondant with the recipe that you can find here.
  2. Take 2 little pieces from the fondant (about half fist size) and cover your cake with the rest of white fondant following the instructions also from the link above.
  3. Color one piece of fondant black and the other one red. Take the black one and roll it out so that you get a quite long rectangle. Cut out 2 or 3 strips (it's up to you) and stick them to the cake (with f.e. honey) in random places.
  4. Then make roses- I think that putting this video here would be the best idea:). Following the video make about 8 roses and sitick them to the cake in the middle of it.

That's it! I really hope that you liked my idea and maybe give it a try:) Bon appetit and good luck!

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